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With many fans of the series disappointed with the lack of real changes in FC 24

Blogi » opublikowano: 2024-06-03, zamieścił: Sheliepaley

 With many fans of the series disappointed with the lack of real changes in FC 24 " Much hasn't been released about the actual player creation, but it seems pretty similar to the usual process: there's a General Info tab, followed by Appearance,EA FC 24 Coins Style and Attributes. Those with awesome observation skills will notice that some of the text in the above header reveals that anything made on a computer can be downloaded to your console - this is an awesome inclusion that cannot be stressed enough. The ability to share players around with friends is neat, too - I'm sure we'll see a lot of recreations of local pub teams going around. With many fans of the series disappointed with the lack of real changes in FC 24 (and although World Cup was a nice improvement with gameplay and atmosphere, it failed to provide new content - just lots more of what was already there). It was high-time EA stepped up and delivered something fresh and invigorating for the next generation of the series. Speaking of said next generation, EA were nice enough to include a release date along with the news: you can expect to see it in North America for September 28 and Europe October 1. It's rarity for a EA Sports FC game to come out here before our European friends get their hands on it, so I'm pretty stoked. Electronic Arts has once again used the 2022 EA Sports FC World Cup video game to simulate the upcoming real World Cup (which starts next Friday). As it turns out, the game agrees with many sports pundits: this will indeed be Spain's year to shine. EA's prediction is that Spain will be raising the trophy after a 3 - 1 victory over Brazil, who are always favorites in any tournament despite crashing out in the quarter finals 4 years ago. The results were surprisingly close to cheap Fut 24 Coins what many would predict. Spain striker David Villa won the Golden Boot for scoring 7 goals, and the Golden Ball went to magical Brazilian Winger Kaka (yes, he's heard jokes about his name before - it's not new).
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