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Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Check Trade Routes

Blogi » opublikowano: 2024-06-06, zamieścił: Rozemondbell

12. Check Trade Routes Crafting materials are essential, and Skull and Bones Items the world map shows where to find them. Instead of buying from settlements, intercept merchant ships along trade routes. Scan ships for desired materials, attack them, and save your silver while collecting valuable resources. 13. Don’t Fire Near Settlements Avoid firing near settlements unless you’re ready for a fight. Even harmless shots can provoke guard towers and nearby ships, leading to your demise. If you need materials from factions, attack their ships near settlements but avoid initiating a Plunder. 14. Respawn Options If your ship sinks, you can choose to respawn on the water or at an outpost. While respawning on the water lets you continue fighting immediately, it inflicts permanent damage on your ship. Consider respawning at an outpost to Skull and bones items for sale online repair your ship before rejoining the battle.
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