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MMOexp: Silentverge02 released a hard mode for Elden Ring

Blogi » opublikowano: 2024-08-12, zamieścił: AventurineLe

MMOexp: Silentverge02 released a hard mode for Elden Ring Elden Ring Not Hard Enough? This Mod has You Covered Elden Ring is hard. If you make a mistake--a cliffside, a boss, or a jump, and it's likely that you'll be sent right back to your previous Site of Elden Ring Runes Grace. It's inevitable to die. It's even the most important thing. The process of dying is the way you learn to take on the seemingly impossible task of restoring peace to the Lands Between, and become the Elden Lord. There will be a lot of deaths before that happens as well as a number of mods have been introduced to ease the process. But, one Elden Ring modder is rebelling, and has made the whole game even harder. "I believe I've seen around 4 or 5 'easy mode' type mods out in the wild," creator Silentverge02 told MMOexp via direct messages. "They all basically had the same idea"50 percent less damage to enemies and health'. It's a bit ineffective to me." As was reported through PC Gamer, Silentverge02 released a hard mode for Elden Ring that alters certain aspects of the latest Souls-like from FromSoftware. The Prepare To Die mod, downloadable via Nexus Mods, does more than simply increase health and damage output. According to the description of the mod it increases the stats of enemies like damage defence, defense, as well as resistances up to New Game Plus levels, but keeps other stats like health, focus points and stamina at the same. Enemy AI is also a bit more intelligent by this mod, which means they hear and see you from further away, look for you for longer and harder after you've been eluded and they can spot you when you attempt to backstab. This Prepare To Die mod makes additional changes as a wider field of view, relegating fast travel to cathedrals only and churches, as well as modifying New Game Plus to accommodate the additional difficulty and the adjustments to buy Elden Ring Items AI of enemies.  Buy Elden Ring Runes at, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.
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