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Mmoexp Diablo 4 Items: Unique Effects and Affixes of the Rod of Kepeleke

Blogi » opublikowano: 2024-11-21, zamieścił: Rozemondbell

Seasonal Buffs: Activate the Urn of Curiosities Seasonal Blessing to Diablo 4 Items increase the chances of receiving additional items. Unique Effects and Affixes of the Rod of Kepeleke The Rod of Kepeleke offers unique mechanics and affixes that significantly enhance the Spiritborn class. Here’s a breakdown: Primary Effect: Core Skills are converted into Basic Skills, making them free to cast. However, this comes with a 30% damage reduction based on the Vigor cost of the skill. Secondary Effect (when at max Vigor): Restores full damage for Core Skills. Increases the size of the skill's area of effect. Guarantees Critical Strikes. Grants 1–3% additional Critical Strike Damage per Vigor point spent. Affixes: Primary Affixes: Damage per Hit: [351–541] Attack Speed: 1.1 Block Chance: 40–90% Secondary Affixes: Critical Strike Damage: +80–100% Maximum Vigor: +12–24 Velocity Skill Ranks: +2–4 Chance for Core Skills to hit twice: +26–35% Conclusion The Rod of Kepeleke is a powerful and unique weapon for Spiritborn characters in Diablo 4, offering massive benefits at the cost of reduced damage when using Core Skills. While acquiring it isn’t easy, your efforts will be rewarded with a game-changing staff that elevates your character’s potential. Whether through defeating Uber Bosses or farming Obols, persistence is key to Diablo 4 Items for sale obtaining this sought-after Quarterstaff. As for Diablo 4 gold, it can also be a helpful asset in progressing through the game, especially when you need to purchase items, gear, or materials to enhance your character’s strength. Combining gold with items like the Rod of Kepeleke can provide an extra boost to your build, making you a formidable force in Sanctuary.
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