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Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Quick-Hitting Vertical Routes to Catch the Defense Off Guard

Blogi » opublikowano: 2025-02-07, zamieścił: Rozemondbell

6. Quick-Hitting Vertical Routes to Catch the Defense Off Guard Take advantage of unexpected timing: One of the best ways to CFB 25 Coins attack the prevent defense is by catching the safeties off guard with quick-hitting verticals. Instead of letting the routes develop too long, you can have a receiver run a quick post or go route designed to take advantage of the defense’s lack of urgency. QB mobility helps: If your quarterback has the ability to move and extend plays, you can give your deep routes just a moment longer to develop. A bootleg or play-action rollout can force the safeties to honor the QB’s mobility while giving your receiver a chance to break free. 7. Target the Outside Deep Routes Against Off-Coverage Sideline routes against soft coverage: Safeties and cornerbacks in a prevent defense tend to give up a lot of space on the outside, especially near the sideline. A deep fade route or corner route to the sideline is often the perfect way to exploit this. Back shoulder throws: For a deep fade route, use the back shoulder throw. This allows the receiver to cheap College Football 25 Coins adjust and make the catch even if the cornerback is in close proximity but not in ideal position to make a play on the ball.
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