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Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Mid-Fight (75%-50% Health)

Blogi » opublikowano: 2025-01-20, zamieścił: Rozemondbell

3. Mid-Fight (75%-50% Health) At this point, Xesht becomes more aggressive, summoning more adds and using stronger AoE abilities. Buffs: Herald of Ice: Reapply Herald of Ice if it expires to CFB 25 Coins continue boosting damage. Flask of Adrenaline: If Xesht teleports again or if you're getting surrounded by adds, use Flask of Adrenaline to quickly dodge or reposition. This is crucial for dodging AoE and ensuring you don’t get hit by fireballs. Granite Flask: Reapply Granite Flask just before Xesht’s slam attack or when you're surrounded by adds to mitigate physical damage from minions and Xesht. Debuffs: Temporal Chains: Reapply Temporal Chains immediately after it expires. Make sure the adds and Xesht are always slowed during the fight, especially when Xesht teleports or spawns a large wave of adds. Vulnerability: Reapply Vulnerability right after Xesht teleports or during damage phases. This ensures Xesht continues to take increased physical damage. Other Actions: Focus on Adds: During this phase, the minions become more aggressive. Quickly clear them while managing Xesht’s teleports. Dodge AoE: Flask of Adrenaline should be used to dodge Xesht’s fireball barrages and slam attacks. Positioning: Keep an eye on Xesht's movements, and always try to stay behind it when possible to College Football 25 Coins avoid its telegraphed attack patterns.
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