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Superauto od Apollo

Kategoria: Aktualności » Ciekawostki, opublikowano: 2016-10-31, zamieścił: redakcja2

Superauto od Apollo Marka Apollo, która powstała w oparciu o Gumpercie planuje wprowadzić nowy model super samochodu.Podczas targów w Genewie został zaprezentowany jego model, który obecnie nabiera realnych kształtów.

W Genewie zaprezentowano koncept Arrow, który pod maską miał aż 1000KM mocy. Producent zapewniał, że osiągi tego modelu to aż 360km/h. Ale to według wyliczeń. Jednak już niebawem będzie to można sprawdzić.

Obecnie ruszyły prace nad wersją produkcyjną, która zostanie wyposażona w silnik V12. Model ten nazwano Titan i zobaczyć go powinniśmy podczas Festiwalu Szybkości w 2017 roku.

Powstanie również seria samochodów przeznaczonych na drogi o nazwie Apollo Arrow S, w której zostanie zamontowany silnik V8 4.0 biturbo od Audi, jednak zostanie on lekko przerobiony, tak aby wydobyć z niego 986Km mocy i 999Nm momentu obrotowego

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AdnanS2024: [url=] l153 [/url] l153 l153
2024-07-19 11:25:22

Davis12: you’re looking for a stroller that combines style and functionality, StrollerSeeker’s luxury stroller reviews are a great [url=]l153 [/url] l153 l153 place to start. Our guides feature high-end strollers that offer premium materials, advanced features, and elegant designs. StrollerSeeker provides insights into the latest luxury strollers, making it easy to choose a model that reflects your personal style and meets your parenting needs. From sleek, modern designs to strollers with all the bells and whistles, StrollerSeeker has recommendations that cater to discerning parents. Explore our luxury stroller picks and elevate your stroller game with StrollerSeeker.
2024-09-20 23:22:24

Davis12: you’re looking for a stroller that combines style and functionality, StrollerSeeker’s luxury stroller reviews are a great [url=[/url] l153 l153 place to start. Our guides feature high-end strollers that offer premium materials, advanced features, and elegant designs. StrollerSeeker provides insights into the latest luxury strollers, making it easy to choose a model that reflects your personal style and meets your parenting needs. From sleek, modern designs to strollers with all the bells and whistles, StrollerSeeker has recommendations that cater to discerning parents. Explore our luxury stroller picks and elevate your stroller game with StrollerSeeker.
2024-09-20 23:23:34

sussie: Leaders are made rather than born. A true leader understands how leading can be a difficult task so they must train themselves first to become effective. The College of Contract Management offers leadership training courses that can certainly built a leader into a natural one. Check out all their programs on their website!
2024-09-23 10:07:20

sussie: Leaders are made rather than born. A true leader understands how leading can be a difficult task so they must train themselves first to become effective. The College of Contract Management offers leadership training courses that can certainly built a leader into a natural one. Check out all their programs on their website!
2024-09-23 10:07:39

Arsenalas: siūlo unikalią akmens masės plytelių kolekciją, pritaikytą išskirtinėms jūsų namų ir lauko projektų idėjoms. Čia rasite plyteles, kurių dizainas atspindi įvairiausias paviršių tekstūras – nuo švelnaus marmuro iki grubaus betono efekto, suteikiančio erdvei modernumo ir charakterio. Plytelės yra ne tik vizualiai įspūdingos, bet ir funkcionalios: jos yra itin atsparios dėvėjimui, drėgmei ir temperatūros svyravimams, todėl puikiai tinka tiek vidaus, tiek lauko sąlygoms. Produktų asortimentas apima plyteles su įvairiomis faktūromis ir spalvomis, leidžiančiomis kiekvienam rasti idealų variantą, kuris atitiktų asmeninį skonį ir interjero viziją. Plytelės yra pagamintos iš aukštos kokybės medžiagų, užtikrinančių jų atsparumą drėgmei, temperatūros pokyčiams ir dėvėjimuisi. siūlo sprendimus, kurie padeda sukurti tiek funkcionalias, tiek estetiškai įspūdingas erdves. Įsigiję plyteles iš, jūs ne tik papuošite savo erdvę, bet ir investuosite į ilgaamžiškumą ir kokybę, kuria galėsite mėgautis kasdien. Daugiau apie plyteles rasite:
2024-10-17 12:02:22

Elowen: For those who want to boost their qualifications without the full-length commitment of a master’s, a post graduate diploma offers a streamlined path to career advancement. The College of Contract Management in the UK provides a wide array of diploma options tailored for busy professionals. These diplomas are respected in industries like construction, engineering, and contract management. With flexible study options, they make balancing work and study more achievable. It's an efficient way to upskill and stay competitive in today's job market.
2024-10-30 12:51:24

Elowen: For those who want to boost their qualifications without the full-length commitment of a master’s, a post graduate diploma offers a streamlined path to career advancement. The College of Contract Management in the UK provides a wide array of diploma options tailored for busy professionals. These diplomas are respected in industries like construction, engineering, and contract management. With flexible study options, they make balancing work and study more achievable. It's an efficient way to upskill and stay competitive in today's job market.
2024-10-30 12:52:19

sussie: There is no certainty that working in a construction site can be all well and safe, that is why garnering knowledge about health and safety protocols in the industry and actually practicing it is important. The College of Contract Management offers courses that teaches proper rules, l153 included and other regulations when working in the challenging and perilous industry of construction, check out their website to see more.
2024-12-16 14:59:05

sussie: In the UK the skills network partnerships have vocational and technical training providers. This promotes different learning opportunities to upskill and grow personally as well as professionally. Learn the different networks for upskill at the College of Contract Management’s website.
2025-01-28 11:22:56

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